Untether Your Team With Cloud Computing

Americans are working from home more and more. One estimate states that nearly half of the American workforce is working from home either in full-time, part-time, or moonlighting positions and that the listings for telecommuting jobs have jumped more than 25% in a year. Working from home is becoming more and more common for the modern workforce and more employees are going to demand it as a perk in their jobs. Is your business ready to meet the demands of the modern workforce? With our cloud hosting in Port Orchard, you will be.

Let Them Work from Anywhere

One of the most amazing things about our cloud hosting service is that your team will be able to work from almost any internet-enabled device. From desktops to laptops to mobile phones and tablets, they’ll simply need to log into their account to access their work desktop. From there, they will be able to do anything they would be able to do on their computer at the office. So whether they are working from home or on a tropical beach, they have everything they need to remain productive outside of the office.

Accountability is Built In

Because all of their work remains in the cloud, it’s easy for managers to maintain accountability. You’ll have instant access to their work when you need it, can verify that project are moving forward to push something new to them in an instant. There is no excuse for not being to get something done as long as the employee has wi-fi because it’s all just one click away.

Interested in untethering your workforce and giving them the freedom they want to work from anywhere? Talk to one of our cloud computing experts and learn more about how we can get your company started.

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