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How Small Businesses Are Using Mobile Apps

small-businesses-using-appsIf you look at your smartphone right now, most of the apps on there were likely released by big corporations: Facebook, Twitter, maybe your banking app, and one or two shopping apps for your favorite merchants. But are mobile apps the exclusive domain of large corporations? Not at all, and more and more small businesses are putting mobile apps to work for them. Our software development team offers mobile app design that can help your small business connect with your customers and clients. But what can your small business do with a mobile app?

Increase Your Visibility

Whether you are pushing out coupons, sending updates about new projects and services or just pushing your social media updates through an app, it’s a great way to stay connected to your audience. According to a Pew survey, 68% of adults in the United States have a smartphone and most of them are spending at least a few hours a day interacting with their phone. That’s more visibility each day then you’d get with virtually any marketing campaign.

Cultivate Customer Loyalty

Mobile apps can do nearly anything you can imagine and they are a great way to get in contact with your customers. Where more and more people are tossing out their direct mail and ignoring mass emails, those who download your app are going to much more likely to use coupons and take advantage of offers that you send to them. Offer app-exclusive deals or push out new services and products to app users early and build customer loyalty as well as the number of people using your app. Once you’ve paid for the app, pushing out the information is basically free.

Instant Access

Mobile apps give you instant access to your customers, and likewise, it gives them instant access to your services. This can be especially useful to small businesses that offer emergency services (lawyers, bail bondsman, etc.) or for those with time-sensitive offers. Smartphone owners are much more likely to check their phones than they are their email and an app can give them the information they need to contact your business without doing an online search. You’ll be more connected to clients and customers than ever before.

Meet your customers right where they are at: on their mobile phones. Our software development team in Port Orchard can help you develop a mobile app plan that helps you connect to your customers no matter what your business might be. We make app building an affordable and enjoyable process, too, with an experienced team who keeps both you and your customers’ needs in mind during the development process. We heavily test your mobile app before it’s release, as well, knowing that a poorly built app can be detrimental to your company; users are much more likely to stop using your app if they encounter a bug, which is why we’re passionate about doing it right. Get in touch with our team today to start talking about what a mobile app can do for your small business!

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