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Top Articles of 2016

When 2016 draws to a close, people will begin to look back and fondly reflect upon the highlights of the year. From new births to weddings and anniversaries, new jobs and graduations, we know that you have made some fond memories over the last few months. We’ve made some great memories, as well! We thought it would be a fitting farewell to 2016 to recap some of our most popular articles. There are three that rise above all the rest. Let’s take a closer look!

Top Galalee Software Solutions Articles of 2016

A Brief History of Software Development

“A Brief History of Software Development” was published this last July. In this post we took a bird’s eye view of the origins of software and how it developed throughout the last century. Some of the highlights include:

Humble Origins: The origins of software development were not glamorous by any means, but that doesn’t make them any less profound. Basic computers were being developed as early as the 1820s, and the “Difference Machine” changed it everything.

World War II: Modern software, as we understand it, really got rolling during World War II as means of handling complex tactical issues.

50s and 60s: Standardized programming emerged in the 1950s and continued to be developed at a lightning pace in the 1960s.

To see more from this article, click here.

Is Cloud Hosting Good for Small Businesses?

This article was published in June. In this post, we took a closer look at cloud hosting and some of the potential benefits that small businesses can gain from its implementation. Here are some great highlights:

Fewer Start Up Costs: One of the great benefits of cloud hosting for small businesses is that it has fewer associated start up costs.

Scaled to Suit Your Needs: Cloud hosting can also be scaled to suit the individual needs of specific businesses.

No Specialized Knowledge Needed: Because cloud hosting is off-site, businesses don’t need to have specialized knowledge or dedicated IT teams, freeing up time and valuable finances.

To see more from this article, click here.

How Our Cloud Hosting Service in Port Orchard Can Help Your Business Save Money

This article was also published in June. In it, we dug a little deeper into the monetary benefits of cloud hosting for small to medium-sized businesses. Here are the highlights!

Save Upfront on Investment Costs: Businesses who don’t utilize cloud hosting usually have to invest in an on-site IT team to handle their network. Cloud hosting negates the need for a dedicated team.

Save on Infrastructure Costs: By opting for cloud hosting, your business will save on the costs associated with purchasing traditional server equipment.

Save on Manpower: With cloud hosting, you can rely on your hosting provider for all of your tech questions and solutions.

To see more from this article, click here.

Gearing Up for the New Year

It’s been quite a year at Galalee Software Solutions! We can’t wait to see what the new year brings. If you are ready to make the switch to cloud hosting or if you need custom software or web design for your business in 2017, we want to help. Contact us today and let’s get started together!

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