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Tech Terms 101

Here at Galalee Software Solutions, we pride ourselves on being industry experts and professionals. That’s why we strive to offer our experience and expertise as tools for individuals and business owners alike. The more we have to offer, the more knowledgeable others will become, and we all know that knowledge is power.

If you are new to the tech scene, there are likely more than a few terms being bandied around that you might not understand yet. And if we’re being honest, there is a certain tendency amongst the tech crowd to keep things close to the vest, rather than offer insight or assistance. This isn’t true of everyone, but it is a theme that many of us in the industry battle every day. So in the spirit of learning and bridge building, we thought it would be a good idea to provide a brief overview of some of the most common tech terms that someone who is new to the scene might need to have clarified.

Terms Aspiring Techies Should Know


HTML: We see these four letters all over the place. Typically, we associate them with the internet, but what do they actually stand for? HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. This refers to a coding system/language that is used by developers to form and a web page and give it its structure.

Element: An element is part of HTML code. It is made up of a series of tags that bookend a piece of information. These elements provide the backbone for how text or images appear on a web page. Example: <h1> Heading Number 1 </h1>.

Attribute: Attributes provide additional information about particular HTML elements. These additional values further configure or adjust the behavior of the elements for whatever purpose the developer needs or desires.

Back End Development

Back End: The back end refers to the part of a website that provides the means to make it function. Typically it includes apps, databases, or servers.

Software: The term software is relatively familiar to most people in this day and age, however, the actual definition is a bit elusive. Software refers to a program that provides instructions to a computer or device for how to function. An example of important software includes operating systems like Microsoft or Linux.

Framework: Framework is a term that refers to a collection of programs and/or components that are utilized in the development of software.

Object-Oriented Programming: Also known as OOP, object-oriented programming refers to a programming language model that is organized around objects as opposed to actions, data as opposed to logic. This type of programming prefers to view and manipulate objects rather than focus on the logic that makes them work.

Just Getting Started

These are just a handful of some of the most common terms that newly arrived techies need to know. Stay posted until next time, when we will cover some more key tech terms.

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