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How Apps Change the World

how-apps-changedIn a previous post, we outlined a few ways that mobile and web apps can help your business grow. If you missed it, here is a brief recap:

In spite of the evidence to the contrary, there are still many people in the business world who aren’t convinced that apps have the power to do much of anything, let alone help their business grow. But the truth is that apps are more than capable of handling everyday business needs. In fact, apps have the power to shape and to change the world around us. Not convinced? Here are a few examples of stellar apps that make the world a better place.


“Ushahidi” is a Swahili word that translates to “testimony” or “witness” in English. Ushahidi is a crowdsourced tool designed to provide news and details about dangerous events in certain areas, as well as where to look for help. The ability for people to report and receive reports about dangerous events in real time can help save lives by keeping people out of those locations.

Save the Children

Save the Children teamed up with Johnson & Johnson to help provide resuscitation devices that help newborn babies take their first breaths. Johnson & Johnson donates $1 for every photo shared through the app. This initiative has been a lifesaver for thousands of newborns, helping them breathe for the very first time.

Charity Miles

Charity Miles is a free app that allows people to raise money for charities while biking, running, or walking. Corporate sponsors donate funds for every mile covered to the charity of your choice. Apps like these encourage a healthy lifestyle and compassion through giving, making communities a more active and positive place.

Apps utilized by organizations with a purpose can do more than just take up digital space. If conscientious companies can help redefine the world with apps, what can you do for your business through application development? If you are ready to take your online presence to the next level, contact Galalee Software Solutions for a custom web or mobile app today.

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